Monday, May 25, 2020

Performance Management Human Resource Development

Performance Management; Talent Management; Organizational Development: Human Resource Development Over sometime, King has been under great scrutiny for the way situations have been handled in the past. This steams all the way down from the leadership to the employees. With the recent reduction of force, many of these disturbing issues have been brought to light. These issues just as with any other organization, will not correct themselves. It will take various plans for improvement and involvement from everyone affected in order to turn things around for the better. Again, King is not the only or the first company to experience things such as this. King did exactly what they needed to do. In efforts to repair some of the trust and damage that was made in the past King has become a very strong supporter of employee development. They now encourage all employees after approval from their immediate supervisors to attend training seminars and allow them to participate in a college reimbursement program that is afforded to them if they enroll in courses that aid in their job. This organization has taken it a little further than that. They have also implemented in-house training programs to make sure that all of their employees are up to date on the policy for sexual assault for the organization and workplace safety. There was a backup plan to those in house training sessions. For instance, if there was no one within the organization that could assist in providing the trainingsShow MoreRelatedThe Importance of an Organizations Performance Management System1538 Words   |  7 Pagesevaluate the performance of its employees. This evalu ation, if it is to be effective or of substantial value to the organization, it needs to be systematic and purposeful. 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